Recapping preamps, done!
Balanced inputs on channel 7 and 8, done!
Recapping PSU done!
This wasn't as much work as I anticipated. I definitely thought that the piggy board mod would be more hassle. But sometimes you are just lucky I guess. Karma I hope. There is two variants on the 7 and 8 channels and hopefully I will get to test it out this weekend.
When I ordered PSU caps I couldn't resist order OPA2134 and OP275 for one channel so now is channel 1 modded as Ampex 354 explained in the gearsutz thread, with new amps and coupling caps removed. I didn't do the EQ mod or gain reduction mod. I don't remember if he did so, but I added 100nF decoupling on the pins for the new amps and upped the supply rail bulk caps C16, C17 from 10uF to 47uF. I also added an extra ground cable from the far end of the board back to the ground connector hoping to reduce ground path resistance.
I cannot say anything about sound quality improvement yet but the noise floor on channel 1 was significantly reduced by this mod.
fredag 7 maj 2010
PSU upgrade done! Wow
Yesterdays project was to do the PSU and I must say this is the most rewarding step I've done so far. The noise in the machine is drastically reduced by swapping/upgrading the bulk electrolytes. If it's one thing you want to do to this puppy it is this. I upgraded from 2200uF stock to 2x4700uF low impedance caps. The new caps were 18x35mm and the clearance to the bottom lid is about 36 mm so I recommend to you not to use no more than 30mm height. There is also a 6V rail that has 1000uF stock that i upped to 2200uF. Stock dimensions on the PSU caps are 2x 16x30mm and 16x20mm.
I removed the PSU board from the underside by pulling it to the side, under all the cabling, after removing and carefully mark all connectors. After dropping a screw in there i found a much better way. The cabling to the back panel are long enough so if you remove 4 screws on the back you can fold it right out and remove the PSU board that way. Much easier. You still need to remove the bottom cover to unscrew the board and remove the connectors though.
The board inside the chassis. It was really tricky pulling it to the side under the cabling. Don't do it. Pull it out from the back instead.

The board

The caps

My way of doing a little dual cap assembly

The assemblies mounted on the boards. There was, of course, less space than I estimated when i ordered the caps and 4700uF was the biggest caps my convenient supplier had in stock. I recommend getting larger capacitance in one capsule if you are not used to work on electronics. It is very easy to do this if you use stock dimension caps. I recommend this upgrade even for non experienced people.

I couldn't resist adding some extra caps in there. These are 47uF on the secondary side of the regulators in the holes for the cables. there are 22uF mounted on the secondary, I feel this is way to little and they are mounted too far from the regulators. Notice the marking on the connector, can't stress this enough, you will forget were they were when you reassemble.

Conclusion, as stated in the beginning, if you would like to do just one thing on your machine, upgrade the PSU and enjoy the loss of ssssssssssssssssssssssss. I wouldn't say its dead silent but its way better than before.
I removed the PSU board from the underside by pulling it to the side, under all the cabling, after removing and carefully mark all connectors. After dropping a screw in there i found a much better way. The cabling to the back panel are long enough so if you remove 4 screws on the back you can fold it right out and remove the PSU board that way. Much easier. You still need to remove the bottom cover to unscrew the board and remove the connectors though.
The board inside the chassis. It was really tricky pulling it to the side under the cabling. Don't do it. Pull it out from the back instead.
The board
The caps
My way of doing a little dual cap assembly
The assemblies mounted on the boards. There was, of course, less space than I estimated when i ordered the caps and 4700uF was the biggest caps my convenient supplier had in stock. I recommend getting larger capacitance in one capsule if you are not used to work on electronics. It is very easy to do this if you use stock dimension caps. I recommend this upgrade even for non experienced people.
I couldn't resist adding some extra caps in there. These are 47uF on the secondary side of the regulators in the holes for the cables. there are 22uF mounted on the secondary, I feel this is way to little and they are mounted too far from the regulators. Notice the marking on the connector, can't stress this enough, you will forget were they were when you reassemble.
Conclusion, as stated in the beginning, if you would like to do just one thing on your machine, upgrade the PSU and enjoy the loss of ssssssssssssssssssssssss. I wouldn't say its dead silent but its way better than before.
onsdag 5 maj 2010
Recapping, done (sorta)
I am finished with recapping the channel boards, caps for the PSU and some extra goodies are coming in in a day or two.
Channel 7 and 8 are now balanced input
I have installed and tested the INA217 boards on channel 7 and 8 and it seems to work just fine. Channel 8 is just the preamp board with unity gain installed were the transformer is on the stock boards. On channel 7, after reading the schematic, I have done some further modifications.
Removed R4 and shorted R3, taking S1-1 out of the picture.
Removed the voltage divider formed by R7 and R8 by removing R8 and short R7.
Added a 10K gain set resistor on the INA board, getting 6dB gain in this stage.
Replaced gain set resistors on U1-1 that are switched by S1-2
R10: 10K 19.4dB
R9: 2K7 10.24 dB
R11(stock): 540R 3.23 dB
Replaced first coupling cap with 47uF elyt + 1uF poly caps paralleled.Added ceramic decoupling on the rails at U1.
As this is just testing right now I just lift the component lead that are in the signal path for easy reassemble if the mod is not beneficial. Here R4 lifted out of circuit.

R8, eerie close to R12 and the jumper

R3 and R7 shorted on solder side. If you do permanent mods, replace the resistors with proper jumpers. That's what I am going to do when I am satisfied.

Since I am doing this on spare time when geek junior is asleep I have only done some very basic testing. Comparing the noise and estimating the gain by tapping a very crappy dynamic mic. The mod works, no doubt about that, channel 8 is a bit less sensitive than stock and channel 7 is some dB less sensitive than channel 8. Since I am mainly intending to record slamming drums on it I suspect that less sensitive inputs might be beneficial. A real situation test will clear that out.
My intention with spreading the gain over two chips was to reduce noise floor and Transient intermodulation distortion. However I estimate the noise to be about the same, taking into account the different gain of the channels.
Removed R4 and shorted R3, taking S1-1 out of the picture.
Removed the voltage divider formed by R7 and R8 by removing R8 and short R7.
Added a 10K gain set resistor on the INA board, getting 6dB gain in this stage.
Replaced gain set resistors on U1-1 that are switched by S1-2
R10: 10K 19.4dB
R9: 2K7 10.24 dB
R11(stock): 540R 3.23 dB
Replaced first coupling cap with 47uF elyt + 1uF poly caps paralleled.Added ceramic decoupling on the rails at U1.
As this is just testing right now I just lift the component lead that are in the signal path for easy reassemble if the mod is not beneficial. Here R4 lifted out of circuit.
R8, eerie close to R12 and the jumper
R3 and R7 shorted on solder side. If you do permanent mods, replace the resistors with proper jumpers. That's what I am going to do when I am satisfied.
Since I am doing this on spare time when geek junior is asleep I have only done some very basic testing. Comparing the noise and estimating the gain by tapping a very crappy dynamic mic. The mod works, no doubt about that, channel 8 is a bit less sensitive than stock and channel 7 is some dB less sensitive than channel 8. Since I am mainly intending to record slamming drums on it I suspect that less sensitive inputs might be beneficial. A real situation test will clear that out.
My intention with spreading the gain over two chips was to reduce noise floor and Transient intermodulation distortion. However I estimate the noise to be about the same, taking into account the different gain of the channels.
Preamp board schematic, thanks to fellow gearslut
lördag 24 april 2010
Project thread on
I started a thread on regarding this project HERE:
Good comments and suggestions from other posters. Thank you =)
Good comments and suggestions from other posters. Thank you =)
Replace phono jacks with XLR
Well, there isn't really that much to it, just get the old ones out and put in some new ones. C3 and C4 have their polarity markings in the silkscreen backwards. I used a marker and marked the negative side of all caps before I removed them.
I bought SMD 0805 680nF ceramics I intend to use for bypassing all electrolytes. Like this:

I bought SMD 0805 680nF ceramics I intend to use for bypassing all electrolytes. Like this:
I tried it on one cap only for now. When I am finished with the balanced input mod on channel 7/8 I will do one hole board and add the same caps as decoupling on the power rails on the pins on all IC's and make a comparison with the stock boards.
INA217 Piggy-back board
Here is the schematic for the INA217 board. It is very simple and I used the example in the datasheet but omitted coupling caps and DC-servo. I have both bulk electrolytes and ceramics for decoupling on the board close to the pins because I want the chip to get as good supply as possible.
The board trimmed and temporarily secured with gaffer. There, i fixed it! =)
Oh, and don't worry about shorting on the underside of the board, gaffer there too.
Oh, and don't worry about shorting on the underside of the board, gaffer there too.
Wires connected on solder side, black is common, red V+ and brown V-. Green wires are signals.
måndag 19 april 2010
Tracing the inputs
I traced the board tonight to figure out how to connect the INA217 board.
The pads are named after the color of the input transformer wires.
There are some differences between the balanced and unbalanced boards. Some resistors and jumpers have to be fitted/replaced/removed. Resistors that are on the balanced board but not on the unbalanced are:
R3 - 2K2
R4 - 360R
R10 - 16K
R11 - 560R
None of which I had at home of course so no soldering tonight.
The pads are named after the color of the input transformer wires.
There are some differences between the balanced and unbalanced boards. Some resistors and jumpers have to be fitted/replaced/removed. Resistors that are on the balanced board but not on the unbalanced are:
R3 - 2K2
R4 - 360R
R10 - 16K
R11 - 560R
None of which I had at home of course so no soldering tonight.
söndag 18 april 2010
Some thoughts before I move on.
When I got this console I had a lot of inspiration and many ideas on extending the features of it, but after having it with me for a while and reading what other users appreciate it for I more and more feel like just keeping it more or less stock. I still going for the recap of channel boards/PSU since I don't think there is anything positive about dried old caps. Features that I would like to have but in that case would be external are HP/LP-filters and phantom power. I would really like sweep on the Hi-shelf though.
I would like to clarify my intentions with the preamp board. Although the INA217 chip is a complete preamp I am not replacing the stock preamp. I just want to use it as a balanced receiver because the boards on channel 7 and 8 don't have input transformers. If I could get the original transformer or knew what to replace them with I would put trannys in there instead. (If the cost was acceptable, two Lundahls would probably cost more than I paid for the console) .
I hope I get time to install the board and test It soon.
I would like to clarify my intentions with the preamp board. Although the INA217 chip is a complete preamp I am not replacing the stock preamp. I just want to use it as a balanced receiver because the boards on channel 7 and 8 don't have input transformers. If I could get the original transformer or knew what to replace them with I would put trannys in there instead. (If the cost was acceptable, two Lundahls would probably cost more than I paid for the console) .
I hope I get time to install the board and test It soon.
torsdag 15 april 2010
Not to pretty but the circuit is to simple to motivate a pcb.
Notice the surface mount ceramics on V+ and V-.
onsdag 31 mars 2010
Channel board caps
Electrolytes on channel boards:
13 10uF/16V caps
2 47uF/16V caps
2 10uF/25V caps
I think i will replace them with all 25V as there is plenty of room and parallel them with
1uF ceramics or poly, depends on price. Hope to get some input from you on this.
I am thinking about making channel 7 and 8 "golden channels" with poly caps where appropriate
and solid state input (INA217). More on this in another post though.
13 10uF/16V caps
2 47uF/16V caps
2 10uF/25V caps
I think i will replace them with all 25V as there is plenty of room and parallel them with
1uF ceramics or poly, depends on price. Hope to get some input from you on this.
I am thinking about making channel 7 and 8 "golden channels" with poly caps where appropriate
and solid state input (INA217). More on this in another post though.
Day one - Disassembly
My "brand new" Tascam M30
I have just purchased a used but very well kept Tascam M30 that I want to refurb and mod. I have the ambition to document my progress here and hope to get some tips and suggestion from you along the way.
I haven't thought this completely through but here are what I am planning to do first:
-Add balanced mic inputs for channel 7 and 8.
-Recap and parallell all electrolytes on channel boards.
-Recap PSU board.
I have no idea how long this will take because I have to do it in conjunction with family life and band life.
I haven't acquired the schematics yet so if anybody can help I appreciate it. I am at the moment most interested to get info on the input transformers ratio.
I haven't thought this completely through but here are what I am planning to do first:
-Add balanced mic inputs for channel 7 and 8.
-Recap and parallell all electrolytes on channel boards.
-Recap PSU board.
I have no idea how long this will take because I have to do it in conjunction with family life and band life.
I haven't acquired the schematics yet so if anybody can help I appreciate it. I am at the moment most interested to get info on the input transformers ratio.
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